A Full Length Play
Gabby grew up with her mom, her stepdad, and her stepbrothers in Colorado Springs. When she moves to New York, her family becomes religious, and eventually abusive to her mother. She moves her mom out. Her stepbrothers stop talking to her. Her stepfather dies. Years go by, she becomes engaged to a woman, and one day she receives an invitation to her younger stepbrother’s wedding.
She must decide whether or not to face her old life, and confront what she's been
missing...needless to say, she goes.
This play is about Christianity in Colorado Springs, family, losing one's family, and faith.
Production History
Public Reading - August 31st 2024
Supported by Silver Lake Neighborhood Council, Co-Sponsored by Silver Lake Branch Library
Source Material
Jesus and John Wayne by Kristin Kobes Du Mez
The Great Dechurching by Jim Davis, Michael Graham, and Ryan Burge
Generation Ex Christian by Drew Dyck
The Christian Left by Lucas Miles
A work in progress - full script and video of reading available upon request.